Please be aware that if you receive an email like the one below, please ignore it. Cannington Parish Council does not charge for entries in its directory

From: Cannington Parish <[email protected]>

Subject: Invoice due – Business listing renewal

Date: 24 July 2024 at 09:35:36 BST









Thank you for submitting your renewal for the CANNINGTON Parish Business Directory.

Please find a link to your invoice below.

View invoice

For all payment related queries please reply to this email.

Kind regards,

Accounts Dept.

Plant Fayre

Proposed change of 30mph to 20mph in Cannington

Temporary change of opening times

Public meeting on 29.01.24

Parish Council vacancy

A vacancy for a Parish Coiuncillor has become available.. If you are interested in being a Councillor, please complete the form below and return to the Parish Council Clerk by Friday 9th February 2024.

The vacancy will be filled by co-option at the Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Monday 12th February 2024 at Cannington URC.

Vacancy – application form

Draft SRA Strategy and Flood Action Plan 2024-2034

DRAFT Strategy and Flood -Action-Plan_Nov 23 web

Notice of Hearing-Footpath BW5/2 (part) Public Diversion Order 2019

Fire Service Consultation

HPC Community Bus Timetable from 07.08.23

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