
Planning applications are usually discussed at the monthly Parish Council meetings unless the response deadline falls outside the monthly meetings. Then applications will be displayed on the village notice boards for comment or in the case of  a major application an additional meeting will be called to discuss the application. Any comments on applications can be made directly to Sedgemoor District Council or to the Clerk by email to [email protected] or in writing to Cannington Parish Council, Community Room, Village Hall, Brook Street, Cannington. All applications can be viewed on Planning Online (


2024 Applications

13/24/00002 – Temporary access arrangement and compound, at both Tucketts Clyce and land east of Brickyard Cottages in Pawlett, extension of existing walls at Tucketts Clyce and additional works required to support the delivery of the Bridgwater Tidal Barrier Scheme.  To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.11.24

13/24/00022 – Works to trees in Conservation Area – Reduce height of 12 Sycamores and 3 Ash trees within G1 by 2m and spread by 2.5-3m on southern side overhanging stream/neighbouring property. Repollard 1 Willow (T1) back to previous pruning points at The Friendly Spirit Inn, TA5 2HP. This notification is for courtesy only as SC has the delegated authority to approve (or not) this application, however the Parish Council is supportive of these works.

13/24/00001 – APPEAL Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a two-section modular building, to be used as additional living space for the main house at 34 High St, TA5 2HF. The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations to the Planning Inspectorate online through the Appeals Casework Portal by 6 November 2024, quoting appeal ref: APP/E3335/X/245/3345211. Parish Council had no observations.

13/24/00021 – Retrospective Listed Building Consent for agreed lead repairs to Clifford Hall roof and removal and replacement of a 29th century lath and plaster wall at Cannington Court, TA5 2HA. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 8.10.24. Parish Council supported this application.

13/24/00020 – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 13/11/00006 (Change of Use and conversion of barns to 4 dwellings) to amend the list of approved drawings at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NG. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 8.10.24. Parish Council supported this application.

13/24/00019 – Outline application with all matters reserved, for the creation of 2 self build plots at Denman’s Farm, Denmans Lane, TA5 2LH. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8.10.24. Parish Council supported this application subject to Ecology Report recommendations.

13/24/00016 – Proposed installation of an air source heat pump and associated works at Cannington Court, Church St, TA5 2HA.As no parish council meeting will be held during August, please forward any comments to the parish council by 28.8.24 (to enable a response to be made by 30.8.24) or alternatively please reply direct to Somerset North, Somerset Council. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00017 – Listed Building Consent – Alterations (for 13/24/00016) re proposed installation of an air source heat pump and associated works at Cannington Court, Church St, TA5 2HA.As no parish council meeting will be held during August, please forward any comments to the parish council by 28.8.24 (to enable a response to be made by 30.8.24) or alternatively please reply direct to Somerset North, Somerset Council. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00018 – Erection of single storey extension to the east elevation at Herdwick Barn, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NG. As no parish council meeting will be held during August, please forward any comments to the parish council by 30 July 2024 to enable a response to be made by 2.8.24 or alternatively please reply direct to Somerset North, Somerswet Council. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00015 – Change of Use of agricultural building to mixed use (28 self storage units and farm shop) to include insertion of new fenestrations at Little Clayhill Farm, TA5 2PH. As no parish council meeting will be held during August, please forward any comments to the parish council by 30 July 2024 to enable a response to be made by 2.8.24 or alternatively please reply direct to Somerset North, Somerswet Council. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00013 – Change of Use from agricultural livestock building to commercial use to include offices, light industrial and storage units at Withiel Farm TA5 2LZ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.7.24. Parish council minded to support this application with observations. Permission Granted

13/24/00012 – Listed Building Consent – Erection of new porch, covered walkway and pergola with additional extensive internal and external alterations to include part demolition at Lower Rodway Farm, 37 Rodway TA5 2PJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting 9.8.24.Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00011 – Erection of new porch, covered walkway and pergola with additional extensive internal and external alterations to include part demolition at Lower Rodway Farm, 37 Rodway TA5 2PJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting 9.7.24. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/24/00009 – Notice of intent to install fixed line broadband electronic communications apparatus, comprising 1 no. 10m medium pole. Ref: ZWK_V24049. Electronic Communications Apparatus to the West of Main Rd Cannington. Permitted Development.

13/24/00008 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the erection of a building for an agricultural straw storage building at Blackmore Farm, TA5 2NE. This application is for infprmation only as the application will be delegated to the Case Officer, Somerset Planning North. Prior approval not required.

13/24/00007 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the erection of a building for storage of agricultural machinery at Blackmore Farm, TA5 2NE. This application is for infprmation only as the application will be delegated to the Case Officer, Somerset Planning North. Prior approval not required.

13/24/00006 – Application for non-material changes to planning permission 13/20/00008 and 13/11/00006 (change of use and conversion of barns to four dwellings) to amend and window openeings to barn 1. For notification only. Permission refused.

13/24/00005 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for proposed installation of new telecommunications equipment, comprising 1no. 25m lattice mast, 1no. electricity transmission tower, 6no. cabinets, 12no. antennas on 2no. headframes, 4no. 600mm diameter transmission link dishes and ancillary development thereto at Land at the Granary, Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.24. Parish council supported this application. Withdrawn after application.

13/24/00004 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to C19 to approve a revised noise monitoring scheme for Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Permission Granted/Sufficient Detail

13/24/00003 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of us of Agricultural Buildings to 2 Dwelling houses (Class C3) and associated buildings. Withdrawn after registration.

13/24/00001 – Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed erection of a two-section modular at 34 High Street. Notification only. Permission Refused.

13/23/00028 – Re application for 5 houses at Manor Farm, Gurney St, addition of Certificate B (confirmation of land ownership) previously omitted. No action required for the parish council; its original response not affected. Information only. Withdrawn after application.

13/23/00030 – Retention of a mobile home to be used as a residential dwelling at Bradley Green Stables, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting 14.5.24. Parish council supported this application.Permission Refused 

2023 Applications

45/23/00027 – (Spaxton PC application sent to us as an adjoining parish). Erection of two ground mounted emclosed solar PV energy generators (2.029MWp total capacity) to be connected to Cannngton enterprise plant and ground mounted south facing solar panels at SWANG FARM, TA5 2NJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.2.24. Parish Council objected to this application.

13/23/00033 – Change of use of an agriculatutal building into a commercial unit with E and B8 use at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NE (revised from 13/23/00023). To be discuseed at the parish council meeting on 9.1.24. Parish council supported this application.

13/23/00032 – Erection of 160 dwellings, creation of vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access, public open space, landscaping and associated works on land to the east of Brymore Way between Withiel Drive and Chads Hill, Brymore Way, Cannington. A separate public meeting will be held to discuss this application (in conjunction with the 13/23/00028 below) on 29.1.24 at Cannington College, Rodway Hill . To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.2.24. Parish Council objected to this application. Please use link to view the parish council’s response: –  Parish Council’s reponse

13/23/00028 – Erection of 5 detached dwellings including PV panels to rooves at Manor Farm, Gurney St, TA5 2HW. A separate public meeting will be held to discuss this application (in conjunction with the  13/23/00032) above on 29.1.24. Parish Council Objected to this planning application.

13/23/00024 – Change of use of agricultural land to secure dog walking area, incuding the erectio of 1.8m high perimeter fence, parking and sheltered area at Little Clayhill Farm, Charlynch Lane TA5 2PH. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.1.24. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/12/00035 – Fell 1 Toona Sinensis (T1) to 5cm above ground leverl located in Cannington Walled Gardens. This application is for notification purposes as the decision for this application is delegated to officers at Somerset Council (North). Permission Granted

13/23/00034 – Prior approval application for proposed Change Of Use of an agricultural building to 2 dwelling houses and reasonable works at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. Notification purposes only as the decision is delegated to Somerset Council officers. Parish Council supported this application. Prior Approval Granted

13/23/00031 – Erection of a workshop on existing front driveway and relocating existing parking bays at Duroc Barn, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.1.24. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00026 – Retrospective application for formation of new access to property at 35 Peacock Cottage, 35 Rodway TA5 2PJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.12.23. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00021 – Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed building an extension to the existing living space by erecting a sectional building as detailed in the accompanying plans. This will include spine wall foundations and drainage to existing mains drainage, with localised soakaway. Notification purposes only as the decision for this application is delegated to officers. Permission Refused

13/23/00029 – Extension of existing car park and formation of new access track for existing pump track at the Pavilion, Rodway Playing Fields, Rodway TA5 2PJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.12.23. Parish Council supported this application. Revised drawings submitted. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 9.1.24. Parish Council did not support the revised drawing. Application Withdrawn

13/23/00023 – Change of use of an agricultural building to form 2 commercial units (use Classes E & B8) at Blackmore Farm. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.11.23. Withdrawn after registration.

13/23/00022 – Erection of an extension to the east elevation of existing dwelling at Herdwick Barn, Ashford Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.11.23. Parish council supported this application. Withdrawn after registration as at 14.2.24.

13/23/00022 Revised – Erection of an extension to the east elevation of existing dwelling at Herdwick Barn, Ashford Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.12.23. Parish council supported this application. Withdraw after registration as at 14.2.24.

13/23/00027 – Application for work to trees; fell 1 Oak (T4 TPO Ref T4); reduce extended branches of Oak (T5 0 TPO Ref T5) to south by up to 3m (1.5m further out than previous reduction). Oak trees on public open space, Oaktree Way. This is for notification only as the approval for this application is delegated to the Case Officer, Somerset Council (north). Permission Granted

13/23/00025 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed installation of solar photovoltaics (PV) equipment on the roof of a non-domestic building at Cannington Campus, Rodway. This is for notification only as the approval for this application is delegated to the Case Officer, Somerset Council (north).Prior approval approved

13/23/00020 – Demolition of existing garden room, erection of two storey front (south) and side (East) extensions – revised scheme – at Woofington House, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NF. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.11.23. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00020 Amended 22.11.23 – Demolition of existing garden room, erection of two storey front (south) and side (East) extensions – revised scheme – at Woofington House, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NF. Reduction to glazing. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.12.23. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00015 – Advertising consent for 4 non-illuminated free standing facia advertsment signs on the Cannington bypass roundabout West. As the parish council will not meet until 14.11.23 an extension of time for comments was not granted by Somerset Council as the closing date for comments is 3.11.23 (considered to be too long). Therefore should you wish to make any comments regarding this application, please advise the parish council by 1.11.23 or direct to Somerset Council (North) by or on 3.11.23. Parish council objected to this application. Development Committee 12.12.23 Permission Granted

13/23/00014 – Advertising consent for 3 non-illuminated free standing facia advertsment signs on the Cannington bypass roundabout East. As the parish council will not meet until 14.11.23 an extension of time for comments was not granted by Somerset Council as the closing date for comments is 3.11.23 (considered to be too long). Therefore should you wish to make any comments regarding this application, please advise the parish council by 1.11.23 or direct to Somerset Council (North) by or on 3.11.23. Parish council objected to this application. Development Committee 12.12.23. Permission Granted

13/23/00016 –  Variations of Condition 2 of planning permission 13/22/00009 (Change of Use from agricultural livestock building to commercial use to include offices, light industrial and storage (Class E)) to alter the proposed building layout, providing less but larger units at Withiel Farm TA5 2LZ . To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 10.10.23. Permission Granted

13/23/00017 – Demolition of existing building (Barn 1) and the erection of 4 detached dwellings with associated works at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2LG. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 10.10.23. Permission Granted

13/23/00019 – Notice of proposed agricultural development – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed extension of an agricultural building at Marsh Farm, Marsh Lane TA5 2HJ. The decision was delegated to the Somerset Council North case officer who decided “there is not the requirement to submit a formal application for approval of details in this case. The development can therefore now proceed without further reference to the local planning authority” (As per the decision document dated 7.9.23). Prior approval not required

13/23/00018 – Listed building consent to replace 2 windows and repairs to a further 2 windows, North elevation, Cannington Court, Church St TA5 2HA. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12 September 2023. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00013 – AMENDED application as below to remove the rear staircase and provide a privacy screen. Comments direct to the parish council by/on 27.9.23 or direct to Somerset Council (North) by 29.9.23. Permission Granted

13/23/00013 – Retrospective application for the erection of access steps and raised decking to the south and west elevations at 7 Crabtree Caravan Park, East St, TA5 2HH. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12 September 2023. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

39/23/00004 – Construction of a temporary AIL bypass track within Combwich construction compound, including the notification of existing, and erection of new gates in connection with the construction of Hinkley Point C Power Station at Combwich Wharf, land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich. This is an Otterhampton Parish Council application sent to Cannington as a neighbouring parish. Granted permisssion 15.11.23

13/23/00012 – Listed Building Consent – alterations – at The Shire, Blackmore farm, TA5 2NE. This application refers to 13/23/00008 below. Permission Refused

13/23/00011 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to 5 dwelling houses and associated operational development at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. This is a notification application only as the decision for this application is delegated to officers. However comment can be made to Somerset Council as soon as possible (posted 3.7.23). Prior approval refused. APPEAL to Secretary of State 23.1.24

13/23/00010 – Erection of detached annex to the South of the property at 40 East St, TA5 2HL. As the parish council does not meet during August (when comments are due) the application will be discussed separately by the parish council sub group with recommendations to councillors. Parishioners are welcome to submit any comments to the parish council by 27.7.23 or direct to Somerset Council by 3.8.23. This application has been advertised on the parish noticeboards. Parish Council supports this application subject to a condition that the annex is to remain ancillary to the main dwelling. Permission Granted

13/22/00027APPEAL – To determine if prior approval required for the siting of excavation works within an agricultural unit at Cannington Enterprises. Any representation to the Planning Inspectorate by 26.7.23.

13/23/00009 – Erection of two storey side (south) extension to form an annex at 20 Lonsdale Rd, TA5 2JS. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.7.23. Parish Council objected to this application. Granted Permission 

13/23/00008 – Retrospective application for the erection of a single storey extension to the north elevation on site of existing shed (to be demolished). Replacement of timber cladding on the dwelling and boundary fence with the continuation of stone walling, retention of timber log store, also the installation of electric vehicle gates and the formation of hardstanding driveway at The Shire, Blackmore Farm TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.7.23. Awaiting for listed building application. The parish council agreed it is likely that the Conservation Officer may be key to determine this application and has made observations to the Conservation Officer accordingly. Please see 13/23/00012 above re Listed Building Consent application. Permission Refused

13/23/00007 – Works to trees in Conservation Area – Prune back Katsura (T1) located in walled gardens by 2m to provide clearance from building and install non-invasive cable brace at Bridgwater and Taunton College Campus, Church St. This is notification only as the decision for this application is delegated to officers at Somerset Planning – North Team. Permission Granted

13/23/00006 – Retrospective application for the erection of single storey (south) extension at 20 Potters Way, TA5 2TA. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 13.6.23. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00005 – Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/22/00034 (Erection of single storey extension to the rear (South) and side (East) elevations)) to allow for an external door to the proposed side extension. Decision made by Sedgemoor District Council as a non-material change. Permission Granted

13/23/00004 – Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/21/00041 (Installation of ground-mounted PV (Solar Panels) to provide carbon free electricity)) to allow for a change to the ballasted foundations to tree system foundations and a change in fence line to encompass the temporary secure compound at The Yeo Valley Organic Company, TA5 2ND. Decision made by Sedgemoor District Council as a non-material change. Permission Granted

13/23/00003 – Installation of 4 externally illuminated signs, north elevation at 4 Church St TA5 2HA (The Globe Inn). To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.4.23. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/23/00002 – Prior Approval Agricultural to Dwelling. Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of Use of Agricultural Building to 5no. dwelling houses (Class C3) and associated works at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 15.2.23. Parish council supported this application. Permission Refused

13/23/00001 – Erection of a single storey extension and dormer window to the South elevation and dormer window to the South elevation on site of existing to be demolished at 4 Teals Acre. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 15.2.23. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

2022 Applications

13/22/00023 – REVISED. Erection of 5no. dwellings, comprising two pairs of semi-detached and one detached dwelling at Manor Farm, Gurney Street, TA5 2HW. Withdrawn

13/22/00038 – Erect 2 dwellings with parking provision, creation of new shared access and associated works at 26 Rodway TA5 2LR. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10 January. Parish Council supported this application with some observations re privacy, security and access to the neighbouring property. Permission granted

13/22/00037 – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 13/19/00006 (change of use and conversion from agricultural linhay building to residential dwelling) to amend the approved drawings for barn 5 at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NG. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 13 December. Parish Council had no observations. Permission Granted

13/22/00036 – The erection of 4 non-illuminate roundabout advertisement / sponsorship signs. Each measuring 500 x 1000mm with a depth of 2mm, installed at a height of 260mm from the ground to the base of the sign at Sandford Hill Roundabout, New Road, Cannington. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 13 December 2022. Parish Council objected to this application. WITHDRAWN after application 5.1.23

13/22/00035 – The erection of 3 non-illuminate roundabout advertisement / sponsorship signs. Each measuring 500 x 1000mm with a depth of 2mm, installed at a height of 260mm from the ground to the base of the sign at Cannington Roundabout North, Cannington bypass. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 13 December 2022. Parish Council objected to this application. Permission Granted (Development Committee).

13/22/00034 – Erection of single storey extension to the rear (South) and side (East) elevations at 5 Duke Ave, TA5 2HU. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 13.12.22. Parish Council objected to this application. REVISION received 22.12.22. Width of extension narrowed slightly and wood burning chimney removed. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10.1.23. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/22/00033 – Demolition of existing garden room, erection of two storey front (south) and side (extensions) at Woofington House, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NF. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8.11.22. Parish Council supported this application. Withdrawn after application 19.1.23.

13/22/00031 – Removal of condition 3 of Planning Permission 13/21/00009 (erection of a dwelling and associated garden and access) to allow for the property to be built and occupied as an unrestricted dwelling, The Red House, 28 High St, TA52HE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.10.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00030 – Listed Building Consent re 13/22/00029 as below. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00029 – Conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, with the installation of 2no dormer windows and 1no roof light to the front (south) elevation. Demolition of existing single storey rear (north) extension and repairs to the property, including the roof, chimney, rainwater goods and walls, 37 Rodway TA52PJ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.10.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00028 – Erection of single storey rear (south) extension on site of existing (to be demolished) at 6 East St, TA5 2HJ. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8 November 2022. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00027 – Determine if prior approval is required for setting re excavation works within an agricultural unit at Cannington Enterprises Ltd TA5 2NJ. For information only. Permission Refused

13/22/00026 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed extension to existing stone track at Farm Drove, Cannington and Wembdon Marsh, Perry Green. For information only. SDC advised formal application not required.

13/22/00025 – Erection of single storey front (North) extension at 1 Belvedere Cl, TA5 2LT. Comments can be made direct to the parish council by 31.8.22 or Sedgemoor District Council by 1.09.22 (no opportunity to discuss at a parish council meeting until 13.9.22 as no meeting in in August). Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00024 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to PW4, C8, C9, C23 & C30. Application seeks to amend the birthing bed height, access management and finished floor levels within the wharf. At Combwich Wharf. Granted/sufficient detail

13/22/00023 – Erection of 5no. dwellings, comprising two pairs of semi-detached and one detached dwelling at Manor Farm, Gurney Street, TA5 2HW. To be discussed at the extraordinary parish council meeting on 27.9.22. Parish Council objected to this application. Permission refused (Development Committee)

13/22/00022 – Conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation and the installation of two front (west) dormers at 24 Rodway. Comments can be made direct to the parish council by 12.08.22 or Sedgemoor District Council by 17.08.22 (no opportunity to discuss at a parish council meeting until 13.9.22 as no meeting in in August). Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00021 – Outline application, all matters reserved, for the erection of a dwelling on site of existing garages, 15 Main Rd, TA5 2JN (renewal of previously approved applications, 13/19/00042 & 13/16/00054 due to expire). Comments can be made direct to the parish council by 31.08.22 or Sedgemoor District Council by 1.09.22 (no opportunity to discuss at a parish council meeting until 13.9.22 as no meeting in in August). Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00020 – Nothing registered received against this number as at 25.8.22

13/22/00019 (see SCC/3956/2022 below)

13/22/00018 – Fell two Eucalyptus (T1 & T2) located in walled garden of Bridgwater College Cannington Campus (conservation area). To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/22/00017 – Application to vary Planning Obligation (Section 106 Agreement) dated 8.8.19 relating to Planning Application 13/18/00040 to amend the mortgagee exemption clause at Grange Farm development, Main Rd. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

SCC/3956/2022 (and 13/22/00019 for SDC) – To erect 3 roundabout advertisement /sponsorship sings measuring 500 x 1000mm with a depth of 2mm, installed at a height of 260mm from the ground to the base of the sign at the Cannington bypass (north) roundabout. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22. Parish council objected to this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00016 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the erection of a chemical spray building at Henfields Farm, Chads Hill. SDC determined that a formal application is not required.

13/22/00015 – Works to trees at War Memorial to remove deadwood and prune the Oak tree (subject to Tree Preservation Order) to clear the streetlight and flagpole and to reduce overhanging vegetation at Rodway Hill by approximately 0.5m. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.6.22. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00014 – Works to trees in Conservation Area to fell three dead/diseased Alder trees in Jubilee Gardens. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.6.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00013 – Nothing registered received against this number as at 25.8.22

13/22/00012 – Outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for the erection of a dwelling and demolition of existing outbuildings at Acton Cottage, Withiel Drive TA5 2LY. Comments can be made direct to the parish council or Sedgemoor District Council by 27.7.22 (application received too late for discussion at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22 and the next meeting will not be until 13.9.22). Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00011 – Nothing registered received against this number as at 25.8.22

13/22/00010 – Listed building works, internal works to structure of the dome at Cannington Court. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00009 – Change of use from agricultural livestock building to commercial use to include offices, light industrial and storage (Class E) at Withiel Farm, Withiel Drive TA5 2LZ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.7.22. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00008 – RESUBMITTED Change of Use of existing agricultural building and land to storage use, including the erection of a store and siting of concrete storage bays (Retrospective) at The Oaks, Blackmore Lane, TA5 2NF. Comments can be made direct to the parish council by 27.7.22 or Sedgemoor District Council by 5.8.22 (no opportunity to discuss at a parish council meeting until 13.9.22 as no meeting in in August). Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/22/00008 – Change of Use from Change of use from agricultural (Sui Generis) to Light Industrial (Class E(g)(iii)), including the erection of store and siting of concrete storage bays (Retrospective) at The Oaks, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NF. Comments direct to Sedgemoor District Council by 3 June 2022 (received too late to be discussed at the parish council meeting on 16.5.22 and the next meeting is not until 14.6.22). Permission Granted

13/22/00007 – Erection of a single storey side (North) and front (East) porch extension at 22 Conway Rd, TA5 2NP. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 16.5.22. Permission granted

13/22/00006 – Conversion of garage into an annex at 10 Hawkers Cl, TA5 2RJ. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.6.22. Permission Granted

13/22/00005 – Reduce Horse Chestnut (T1) on western side of tree pruning back up to 2.5m. Reprune old pruning wounds back to sound living growth points. Remove one damaged limb to northern side and sever ivy in crown. Crown raise to 4m above ground level at 37 Rodway, TA5 2PJ. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 8.3.22. The parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/22/00004 – Non-material amendment (N-MA) changes to street scene to plot nos 3-8 re position of gable ends above the front windows to face the car parking court and not the roundabout. N-MA as this will not materially alter the character of the approved scheme or have any third party interests at Grange Farm estate. Approved (delegated) 11.3.22.

13/22/00003 – Retention of public house and reinstatement of cottage adjoining the public house at 39 High Street TA5 2HF. Comments to the Parish Council by 21.02.22. The Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/22/00002 – Erection of a first floor extension to the side (SW) elevation & formation of front porch at 24 Browning’s Rd TA5 2RH. The Parish Council supported this application. Permission granted

13/22/00001 – Erection of a two storey extension to the side elevation, single storey extension to the rear elevation and erection of a front porch at 9 Southbrook TA5 2LB. The Parish Council supported this application. 11.2.22 this application was amended from a two storey extension to a one storey extension. Permission granted

2021 Applications

During the Coronavirus crisis, the parish council will be considering and processing all planning applications received under its Business Continuity Motion, approved 21.3.20. If you have any comments on any planning application within the consultation period, please email them by the return date to the Clerks at [email protected] 

13/21/00041 – Installation of ground mount PV (Solar Panels) to provide carbon free electricity at The Yeo Valley Properties Ltd, TA5 2ND. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 8.2.22. Permission Granted

13/21/00040 – To determine if prior approval for proposed erection of agricultural building is required at Henfields Farm, Chads Hill TA5 2QD. SDC advised formal application is not required.

13/21/00037 – Conversion of agricultural buildings (barns 4 & 5) to 1 dwelling and ancillary accommodation with carport, including partial demolition of barn 5 and associated works (revised scheme) at Chilton Trivett Farm TA5 2LG. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.1.22. Parish council objected to this application.

13/21/00036 -Outline application with all matters reserved, for the erection of 5 dwellings, Land off, Main Rd, Cannington. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.12.21. Parish Council supported this application. Granted Permission (subject to 14 conditions) 

13/21/00035 – Erection of a single storey convenience store with external ATM, formation of new access and parking, with dedicated external servicing and delivery bay, on land off Main Rd A39 (Landmark Estates). To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.12.21. Parish Council supported this application. Outline Permission Granted (subject to 11 conditions)

13/21/00039 – Works to trees in conservation area to reduce height and spread by up to 2m back to the previous pruning points of Willow Tree (T1) at 1 Fore St,TA5 2HQ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.12.21. Parish Council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00038; SCC 3894/2021 and SCC 3895/2021 – Extend Castle Hill Quarry into the Old Golf Course Extension, Castel Hill Quarry Co Ltd, Stradlings Hill, TA5 2QF. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.12.21. Parish council supported this application.

13/21/00034 – Crown lift red oak to 3m above ground level and remove lowest limb extending towards neighbouring property, Main Site, Bridgwater and Taunton College, Cannington campus TA5 2LS. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.10.21. Parish Council Supported this application. Granted Permission

13/19/00043 – Outline application for up to 165 dwellings off Oaktree Way. Currently undergoing the APPEAL process. Additional information submitted in respect of APPEAL  reference: APP/V3310/W/20/3263033 uploaded to the SDC website. Anyone wishing to respond to the latest information can do so by email to by 5.10.21. The hearing has now been delayed and will be a virtual event scheduled for 2.11.21. This was discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21; parish council’s decision was that the original OBJECTION to this application to both SDC and the Planning Inspectorate still stands. APPEAL DISMISSED

13/21/00032 – Fell 7 Leylandii conifers, one Elm, one Poplar, one Sycamore, two Ash and one Willow at The Priory, 7 Fore St. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.10.21. Parish Council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00030 – Erection of new agricultural worker’s dwelling on land at The Granary, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.10.21. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Refused (Development Committee 5.4.22)

13/21/00031 – Crown clean and raise crown to a height of 3m above ground level of 2 lime trees located adjacent to pedestrian entrance (Main Site) and remove dying cypress and dead tree (species unknown) located in walled garden of Bridgwater College Cannington Campus. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted permission

13/21/00029 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed change of use of agricultural building (barn 1) to 4 dwellings and associated work at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish Council advised SDC that whilst it was noted this application was to determine if prior approval required, it nonetheless objected to this application. SDC decision was that Prior Approval Approved. Granted permission

13/21/00028 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover an existing silage pit (2) at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00027 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover an existing silage pit (1) at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00026 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover an existing silage pit (3) at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00025 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover an existing silage pit (4) at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00024 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover an open cattle yard at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.9.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00023 – Erection of a storage building at The Oaks, Blackmore Lane, TA52NF. As there is no August parish council meeting, please send comments to the parish council by 24 August or direct to SDC by 30 August. Parish council supported this application.

13/21/00020 – Erection of an agricultural building to cover existing slurry pit at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. As there is no August parish council meeting, please send comments to the parish council by 24 August or direct to SDC by 28 August. Parish Council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00022 – Extension and change of use of an existing garage to holiday accommodation at Manor Farm, Gurney St, TA5 2HW. As there is no August parish council meeting, please send comments to the parish council by 14 August or direct to SDC by 15 August. Granted permission

13/19/00043 – Land Off Oaktree Way re 165 houses – APPEAL to Secretary of State against the Council’s refusal to grant planning permission. Appeal Reference APP/V3310/W/20/3263033, start date 11.6.21; interested parties’ comments should be submitted by 16.7.21. Parish Council reinforced its objection to the application/Appeal.

13/21/00021 – Conversion of attached garage and store to residential annex at Oatley Vineyard, Oatley Lane, TA5 2NL. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 13.7.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted permission

13/21/00019 – Erection of single storey rear (South East) extension at 11 Oaktree Way, TA5 2RL. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 13.7.21. Granted permission

13/21/00018 – Determine if prior approval is required for an agricultural building at  Marsh Farm, East St. For information only. The parish council is not required to comment. Formal Application not required.

13/21/00017 – Erection of a cover over existing manure store at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 8.6.21. Parish Council supported this application. Granted permission

13/21/00013 – Conversion of a barn to dwelling at Knoll Green, Oatley Lane, Cannington TA5 2NL. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.5.21. Parish council supported this application. Granted permission

13/21/00012 – Listed Buildings and Conservation Area request for conversion of outbuilding to dwelling at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane, TA52LG. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.5.21 (see also 13/20/00029). Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/21/00015 – Request for discharge requirement relating to C9 fencing, at Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Permission granted – sufficient detail

13/21/00014 – Erect building, modular classroom and ancillary unit to support HPC environment training at Cannington College, Rodway, TA5 2LS. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.5.21 (unless otherwise advised re Covid arrangements). Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/21/00011 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed formation of a concrete yard at Blackmore Farm, Blackmore Lane TA52NE. For notification at this stage. Formal approval not required.

13/20/00010 – Application to determine if prior approval required for proposed erection of a steel portal frame building at The Bartons, Bonson Hill, Fiddington TA51JD. SDC decision – formal approval not required.

13/21/00009 – Erection of a dwelling with garden and access (as amended) at The Red House, 28 High St, TA5 2HE.To be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 13.4.21. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/21/00008 – Erection of a 40m stone built wall to match existing wall on site of existing hedge and the remains of a non-continuous stone wall to be demolished on land to the west of 41 Brook St, Cannington. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 13 April 2021. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/20/00026 – Amended Plans re Land to North of Grange Farm, Main Rd for 73 dwellings. Comments to SDC by 31.3.21. The parish council’s original objection still remains re 2.5 storey houses. The 2.5 storey houses were removed from the plans. Permission granted

13/21/00007 – Reduce height and spread to previous pruning points to Yew tree (T1), 12 Brook St, Cannington. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 9.3.21. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/21/00006 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed erection of agricultural building, Blackmore Farm, TA42NE. Notification only. Formal application not required (SDC 3.3.21).

13/21/00005 – Erection of single storey side extension and formation of widened vehicular access and parking, 29 Main Rd TA5 2JN. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council supported this application. Permission granted.

13/21/00004 – Erection of a storage building use Class E (G) (iii) for use in conjunction with groundworks business at The Oaks, Blackmore Lane TA52NF. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.3.21. Parish council supported this application. Withdrawn after application

13/21/00003 – Change of Use from agricultural to use Class E (G) (iii) at The Oaks, Blackmore Lane TA52NF. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.3.21. Parish Council supported this application. Withdrawn after application

13/21/00002 – Erection of a garage/store to front (south) of property at 37 East St, TA5 2HL. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council objected to this application. This application withdrawn after application

13/20/00033 – Prior approval application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural buildings to 4 dwellings houses and for associated building operations, Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. Prior approval refused.

13/20/00032 – Change of use and conversion of outbuilding (Barn 4) to a dwelling at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council objected to this application. Permission refused (Dev Committee)

13/20/00031 – Change of use and conversion of outbuilding (Barn 3) to a dwelling at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council objected to this application. Permission refused (Dev Committee)

13/20/00030 – Change of use and extension of outbuilding (Barn 5) to a dwelling at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council objected to this application. Permission refused (Dev Committee)

13/20/00029 – Change of use and extension of outbuilding (Barn 6) to a dwelling at Chilton Trivett Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2LG. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting (on Zoom) on 9.2.21. Parish Council supported this application. Granted permission

13/21/00001 – Request for discharge of Requirement relating to C19 Operational noise monitoring scheme at Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted, sufficient detail.


2020 Applications

During the Coronavirus crisis, the parish council will be considering and processing all planning applications received under its Business Continuity Motion, approved 21.3.20. If you have any comments on any planning application within the consultation period, please email them by the return date to the Clerks at [email protected] 

13/20/00027 – Temporary change of use of land for three years for a site compound, including placement of a portacabin and storage plant and materials at Henfields Farm, Chads Hill (re Hinkley C Grid Connection). This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.1.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00026 – Approval of the reserved matters relating to layout, landscape, scale and appearance for the erection of 73 dwellings (including 22 affordable units) provision of amenity space, access, parking, attenuation features, incidental landscaping,  ecological mitigation and enhancement and play facilities. To be discussed at the parish council by Zoom on 12.12.20. Parish council objected to this application

13/20/00025 – Certificate of lawfulness for proposed erection of a single storey. extension, 8 Teals Acre, Cannington. Permission Granted

13/20/00024 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to C8 Combwich Wharf landscape works at Combwich Wharf. For information only

13/20/00023 – Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed use of residential dwelling care home for children, Wrenmore Elms, Knaplock Lane, TA51JW. For information only. Refused Permission

13/20/00022 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to 1no dwelling and associated operational development, Oatley Vineyard, Oatley Lane. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10.11.20. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00021 – Erection of a building and curved wall to support HPC work environment training, Cannington Campus, Rodway. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10.11.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00020 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed erection of a single storey extension, extending 4m from the rear west elevation, 2 Gurney St. For notification only. Prior approval not required.

13/20/00019 – Erection of dwelling, garden and access, 28 High St. Comments to the parish council by 11.10.20 or direct to SDC by 15.10.20. Parish council supported this application. Withdrawn after application.

13/20/00018 – Discharge requirement relating to C1 Ecology at Combwich Wharf. For notification only.

13/20/00017 – Erection of a single extension to the East elevation to form an attached garage, on site of existing at 23 Mill Lane. Comments direct to SDC by 31.8.20. Parish Council supported this application at its meeting on 13.8.20. Permission Granted

13/20/00014 – Installation of 2 Velux windows to front elevation at 17 Southbrook. Comments to the parish council by 24.7.20 or direct to SDC by 2.8.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted.

13/20/00016 – Erection of a trellis privacy topper to rear side fence (height of fence trellis 2.4m) at 9 Otters Brook Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 24.7.20 or direct to SDC by 2.8.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00009 – Revised plans – re front porch, single and two storey extensions at 14 Rydon Cr. Comments to the parish council by 5.7.20 or to SDC by 9.7.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/19/00008 – Amended plans – Withdraw Plot 6 and divide between plots 5 and 7 (impact to plot 5) Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. Comments to the parish council by 25.6.20 or to SDC by 30.6.20. Parish council objected to this application. Permission granted

13/19/00006 – Amended plans – Withdraw Plot 6 and divide between plots 5 and 7 (impact to plot7) Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. Comments to the parish council by 25.6.20 or to SDC by 30.6.20. Parish council objected to this application. Permission granted

13/20/00013 – Erection of a detached storage building at 56 High St, Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 16.6.20 or to SDC by 19.6.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/20/00012 – Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling, Oatley Vineyard, Oatley Lane, Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 9.6.20 or to SDC by 13.6.20. Permission Granted

13/20/00011 – Erection of a cattle barn, feed store and wash area at Brymore School. Comments to the parish council by 1.7.20 or direct to SDC by 5.7.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/19/00008 – Change of Use and conversion from agricultural outlet building to a residential dwelling (revised plans), barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 16.5.20 and to SDC by 20.5.20.Parish council objected to this application. Amended application See above

13/19/00007 – Change of Use and conversion from agricultural Dutch barn building to a residential dwelling (revised plans), barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 16.5.20 and to SDC by 20.5.20. Parish council objected to this application. Withdrawn after application.

13/19/00006 – Change of Use and conversion from agricultural linhay building to a residential dwelling (revised plans), barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. Comments to the parish council by 16.5.20 and to SDC by 20.5.20. Parish council objected to this application. Amended application See above.

13/20/00008 – Variation to condition 2 as per 13/11/00006. Change of Use and conversion of barns to 4 dwellings, to amend design of barns 1-4; alterations to the single layout including altering the internal access road, allocated parking and garden, barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. Comments to the parish council by 19.5.20 and to SDC by 23.5.20. Parish council objected to this application. Permission granted

13/20/00007 – Erect single storey extension to the side (north) and rear (east) elevation and erection of a detached single storey store, 9 Gurney St. Comments to the parish council by 18.5.20 and to SDC by 22.5.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted

13/19/00043 – Amendments – 1. Remove Community Hall; 2. Provision of a bat survey – Gladman Developments Ltd – Land off, Oaktree Way, Cannington. Parish Council position unchanged by these amendments. (i.e. still objects to this application). Permission refused

13/20/00006 – Request for discharge requirement relating to C3, Combwich intertidal monitoring and contingency plan at Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted, sufficient detail

13/20/00005 – Erection of a detached single storey timber framed garage, 54 Chads Hill. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 15.4.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00004 – Outline permission with all matters reserved for a self-build dwelling at 44 Rodway. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 10.3.20. Parish council supported this application. Development Committee decision. Permission Refused

13/20/00003 – Listed building consent to install 3 replacement windows at 28 Eat St (see 13/20/00002 below). To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.2.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00002 – Installation of 3 replacement windows to front elevation at 28 East St. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.2.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/20/00001 – Non-material amendment re parking provision, The Cobbles, 28 High St. No action required.

2019 Applications

13/19/00052 – Change of Use of land to north of East St to be used as ancillary residential parking area in connection with 11 East St. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.2.20. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted.

13/16/00053 – Change of Use and conversion of existing Farm Shop/Café into a residential dwelling, Blackmore Farm. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.2.20. Parish Council supported this application. Withdrawn after application

13/19/00063 – Outline application with all matters reserved for the reconstruction of a former mill building to be used as a new farm shop/café (within a replicated former mill building on site of former Mill) at Blackmore Farm. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 14.1.20. Parish council supported this application. Withdrawn after application

96/19/00025 – Request for discharge of requirement PW4 – buildings and structures – Combwich Wharf. EDF project wide. Earliest decision date 31.12.19. Granted/sufficient detail

13/19/00055 – 13/19/00062 – Various requests (8) for discharge requirements in relation to works at Combwich Wharf, land to south of Estuary Park Combwich. EDF. Earliest decision date 31.12.19. Granted/sufficient detail

13/19/00054 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to C5, construction compound at Combwich Wharf, land to south of Estuary Park, Combwich. EDF Project wide. Earliest decision date by 31.12.19. Granted/sufficient detail.

96/19/00024 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to PW18 residential amenity; information, dissemination and complaints handling. EDF Project wide, Somerset. Comments to SDC by 26.12.19.

13/19/00051 – Reduce crown of Mulberry Tree (T2) by 50% removing main and shortening back side limbs at The Red House, 28 High St, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 10.12.19. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00050 – Hybrid application – Full application for the erection of one detached residential dwelling with detached double garage, access, turning and car parking provisions and outline application for 2no dwellings with details of access provided and all other matters reserved, Land at Park Lane Cannington. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10.12.19. Parish Council objected to this application. Development Committee action (23.6.20)

13/19/00048 – Erection of front porch and single storey and two storey extensions to side and rear elevations, Installation of dormer window to front elevation to accommodate second floor at 14 Rydon Crescent, TA52JT. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.11.19. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/19/00047 – Change of use of the site use to sui generis to retain the existing use and add a visitor facility, commercial event use and extension of the existing ancillary office use at Cannington Court. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.11.19 and 10.12.19.Parish Council supported this application with conditions. Granted Permission

13/19/00046 – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 13/19/00002 (Erection of a building to provide 3 holiday cottages and a managers accommodation unit, on site of existing agricultural buildings to be demolished (revised scheme)) to amend the approved plans to allow for alterations to the internal layout, external materials and parking arrangement, at Rices Farm, Blackmore Lane. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8.10.19. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00045 – Fell 1 no Magnolia and 2 no Cypresse trees at 14 Brook St. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8.10.19. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00044 – Erection of silo to serve new milking parlour at Brymore Academy. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8 October 2019. Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00043 – Outline application with some matters reserved, for the demolition of Denman’s Farmhouse and associated agricultural buildings and the erection of 165 dwellings, with public open space, structural planting building and landscaping , surface water flood mitigation and attenuation, land for a community building and associated parking and vehicular access point from Oak Tree Way. All matters reserved except for means of vehicular access. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 8.10.19. Parish Council OBJECTED to this application; see link below for details. Permission refused. APPEAL. Appeal refused.

Response to SDC 13-19-00043 @ 10.10.19

13/19/00042 – Erection of a dwelling on a site of existing garages to be demolished at 15 Main Rd, Cannington (extension to previously granted planning permission 13/16/00054). For discussion at the parish council meeting on 10.9.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00041 – Request for discharge pf requirement relating to C2, Non-breeding wildfowl and wader contingent mitigation strategy, Combwich Wharf, land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00040 – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/17/00039 (demolition of three outbuildings, conversion and extension of barn and outbuilding to form one dwelling and allocated parking) to amend fenestration and material finishes at Rices Farm, Blackmore Lane TA5 2NF. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 10.9.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00039 – Change Of Use for the provision of 3 holiday cottages and retrospective consent of 2 existing holiday cottages, I existing site office building, an existing LPG gas storage area and an access road. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.9.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00038 – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 13/17/00013 (change of use of land to allow the erection of 5 detached holiday lodges and 2 pairs of semi-detached holiday lodges) to add an additional unit and amend the location/positioning of the holiday lodges. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 11.9.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/18/00040 – Outline planning application (from 2018) to erect up to 73 houses on land to the north of Grange Farm, Main Rd. Permission granted

13/19/00037 – Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation and erection of single storey extension to side (south west) elevation to form garage/workshop. Erection of single storey extension to rear (north west) elevation (existing conservatory to be demolished). Extend rear dormer across rear (north west) elevation and formation of new dormer to front (south east) elevation at 12 Teals Acre. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.08.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00032 – Certificate of Lawfulness for existing erection of single storey extensions to rear and side elevations, 20 Northbrook Rd.  Parish Council supported this application. Permission granted

13/19/00036 – Erection of a single storey extension to front (west) elevation at 39 Conway Road, Cannington. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.7.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission granted.

13/19/00034 – Erection of a bungalow with associated off-street parking for two cars on land at Conway Road, Cannington. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.7.19.Parish council supported this application. Permission granted.

13/19/00033 – Erection of a porch, elevation and a two storey extension to side to provide additional living accommodation for existing dwelling and a first floor flat, 17 Southbrook, Cannington. This will be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.7.19. Parish council supported this application. Granted permission.

SCC/3628/2019 – Magnox Hinkley A; Variation of condition 3 (waste storage) of planning permission 3/32/16/018 to allow for importation of size reduced Intermediate Low Level (ILW) skips  from Oldbury, Sizewell A and Dungeness A to Hinkley Point A at the on-site interim storage facility (ICF). For discussion at the parish council meeting on 9.7.19. No observations. Permission refused.

SCC/3627/2019 – Magnox Hinkley A; Variation of condition 3 (waste encapsulation) of planning permission 3/32/17/005 to allow for importation of size reduced Intermediate Low Level (ILW) skips from Oldbury, Sizewell A and Dungeness A to Hinkley Point A at the on-site encapsulation plant. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 9.7.19. No observations. Permission refused.

13/19/00031 – Erection of single storey extension to extension to existing garage/store and formation of new vehicular access. Acton Cottage, Withiel Drive. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9 July 2019. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted.

13/19/00030 – Application for prior notification of renewal of area of concrete, Putnell Farm, Cannington. Formal application not required. For notification only.

13/19/00029 – Application for prior notification of an agricultural building to store manure, Putnell Farm, Cannington. Formal application not required. For notification only.

96/19/00008 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to PW10, amendment to Traffic Incident Management Plan, EDF, Project wide, Somerset. For Notification only. Granted/sufficient detail

13/19/00028 – Request for discharge of requirement relating to C25 Tucketts Clyce at Combwich Wharf. Notification only. Granted/sufficient detail

13/19/00016 – Conversion of garage to living accommodation. Erection of single storey extension to rear (West) elevation of existing garage. Formation of vehicular access and 4 off road parking spaces. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19.Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

1/13/17/00012 – Planning Appeal Hearing on 14.5.19, for Castle Hill Quarry, at YMCA Somerset, Friarn Ave, Bridgwater TA6 3RF

13/19/00027 – Application to fell 2 Leylandii Trees, at The Priory, 7 Fore St. TA5 2HQ. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/19/00026 – Erection of two storey extension to side (north east) elevation and demolition of conservatory at Hillside, Sandy Lane, TA52QE. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council supported this application. Granted Permission

13/19/00008 – Change of use and conversion from agricultural outbuilding to residential dwelling at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application

13/19/00007 – Change of use and conversion from agricultural Dutch barn to residential dwelling at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application

13/19/00006 – Change of use and conversion from agricultural linhay building to residential dwelling at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application.

13/19/00025 – Request for partial discharge requirement relating to C5 Construction compound, Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00024 – Request for partial discharge requirement relating to C10 Lighting, Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00023 – Construction of temporary laydown area for abnormal indivisible loads adjacent to Combwich wharf access road, including construction of hardstanding, fencing, gates, lighting, CCTV cameras, mobile welfare facilities, landscaping, earthworks and all other associated works on land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.4.19. Parish council supported this application. Granted permission.

13/19/00021 – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/11/00006 (Change of use and conversion of barns to four dwellings) to amend the design of Barn 1, Barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00020 – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/11/00006 (Change of use and conversion of barns to four dwellings) to amend the design of Barn 3, Barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00019 – Erection of a single storey extension to rear (west) and side (north) elevation at 9 Teals Acre, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.4.19.Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00018 – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/11/00006 (Change of use and conversion of barns to four dwellings) to change Barn 4 from 2 units to 1 unit by removal of lower level left flank accommodation unit on ground floor and addition of window to lounge area, Barns at Ashdown Farm, Blackmore Lane, Cannington. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 14.5.19. Parish council OBJECTED to this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00017 – Discharge of requirement relating to C14, Surface and Foul Water at Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail.

13/19/00015 – Application for non-material changes Land at Cannington College, Rodway, Cannington to approve details of access, appearance and landscaping for phase 1 application 13/18/00027. Permission Granted

96/19/00008 – Discharge of requirement relating to PW10 Traffic Incident Management Plan (Project wide). For notification only. Withdraw after application

13/19/00014 – Discharge Requirement relating to C27, Rhyne crossings Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00013 – Erection of a single storey extension to rear (south) elevation at 34 East St, Cannington. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 9.4.19. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00012 – DCO Requirement Discharge relating to C1, ecological mitigation and monitoring, Combwich Wharf. For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00011 – Formation of hard standing and dropped kerb to provide parking area for 2 cars, 9 Brook St. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.4.19.Parish Council supported this application. Permission Granted

13/19/00010 – Erection of a two storey extension to side (North East) elevation and demolition of conservatory, Hillside, Sandy Lane. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 9.4.19. Parish council supported this application. Application withdrawn after registration.

13/19/00009 – Erection of dwelling, detached double garage, office, turning point and parking area, land at Knapp Farm, Park Lane. For discussion at the parish council meeting on 12.3.19. Parish council did not support this application. Permission granted (Committee decision).

13/19/00005 – DCO Requirement Discharge relating to C24 Replacement pontoon, Combwich Wharf (land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich). For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00004 – DCO Requirement Discharge relating to C5 Construction Compound, Combwich Wharf (land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich). For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00003 – DCO Requirement Discharge relating to C26 Finished Floor Level, Combwich Wharf (land to the south of Estuary Park, Combwich). For notification only. Granted/Sufficient detail

13/19/00002 – Building to provide 3 holiday cottages and a manager’s accommodation unit on site of existing agricultural site, buildings to be demolished at Rice’s Farm, Blackmore Lane. Revised scheme. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12 March 2019. Parish council supported this application. Permission Granted

96/19/00001 – Request to amend the previously partial discharge of requirement relating to PW4, buildings and structures at Combwich Wharf Access Rd, Land to south of Estuary Park, Combwich. For notification only. Granted/sufficient detail

13/19/00001 – Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 13/15/00035 (Change of use, conversion & extension of barn to form dwelling. Erection of a garage/store and carport) to allow for changes to the internal layout of the barn, erection of a continued pitch roof over barn extension and alterations to footprint and positioning of garage. To be discussed at the parish council meeting on 12.2.19. Permission Granted