Sedgemoor District Council is currently in the process of preparing an Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study for the District which incorporates a Playing Pitch Strategy, a Play audit, a Built Facilities assessment and an assessment of informal recreation space.

This study aims to understand the current quality and quantity of provision, the current level of use and demand of each site and the expected level of future demand based on population projections. The assessment results will form part of the evidence base needed to protect existing sites, identify additional needs, support funding bids and inform negotiations with developers when securing contributions towards open space, sport and recreation facilities.

In order to establish a comprehensive overview of the current level of provision and demand across the district we are writing to all known sport, recreation and play facility providers within the District to invite them to complete an online survey which asks a series of questions about the facilities you provide and the level of community use that is allowed at your venue.

In addition to the questionnaires prepared for specific stakeholders SDC has prepared a survey for Sedgemoor residents   Please express your views on the quality and quantity of open space, sport and recreation provision across the District and within the Parish of Cannington

The questionnaires are accompanied by an Online Interactive Map  which displays the known formal and informal sites plus any planned sites or sites that have been lost to development in recent years.